If you are feeling overwhelmed and are struggling to cope, due to job burnout or in any other area of your life, you are not alone. Research has revealed that stress and burnout contribute to more than 60% of work absenteeism. Experts believe that burnout causes losses of up to $350 billion annually for the US alone.
The global medical community is taking this condition seriously. They consider it more complex than just job burnout, an inability to manage stress or poor stress management. In March 2019, the World Health Organisation classified excessive stress and burnout as an occupational phenomenon, going on to say:
Burn-out is a syndrome resulting from chronic stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterised by three dimensions:
- feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion
- increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job
- reduced professional efficacy
Employing a bespoke burnout treatment program, our stress management teams help our clients who are experiencing burnout or overwhelming stress Whether it is work-related stress or for any other reason. Our teams are renowned globally for their ability to provide the personalised and effective support required for high-performing individuals to manage stress, achieve a healthy work-life balance and return to, or even surpass, their previous optimum performance levels.